Want to understand investing and saving for retirement? Coach Scott Maderer joined me for a long discussion about saving money, investing for retirement, and ways to save on taxes.
Thanks for watching.
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Steve Stewart says
Thanks Gail.
Congrats on accumulating such a large nest egg!
Thank you for giving me the feedback on the intro/outro music. I’m going to assume you mean the newer music I have been using in the past dozen episodes. I’m still looking for that “happy medium” of exciting, energetic music that gets people excited for the new episode without making it too loud. I’ll try a few things in the next episode.
If you are talking specifically about episode 173: I had met with Jesse Mecham, creater of You Need A Budget, and asked him to record the “shout-out” for me (the script I ask people to record for the beginning of my show – which I would love to have you do for me as well). I didn’t realize he put the mic too close to his mouth until later but I still use it because, well, because it’s Jesse Mecham!
Have a splendid day and PROFITABLE New Year!